Fulvic acid - Nature's perfect antioxidant?
This scientific study published in The Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment is just one of many studies demonstrating the potent antioxidant effects of fulvic acid.
They determined that: "The antioxidant properties of the FA partially support the health beneficial properties of this compound; and therefore, the FA is a good candidate to be used in pharmaceutical or food industries as an accessible source of natural antioxidants."
Fulvic acid has a higher ORAC rating than any known super fruit on the planet!
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples.

Fulivc acid is a natural compound found in special deposits around the world. It was once abundant in our topsoil and produce. Due to modern farming practices and some environmental factors, this beneficial nutrient compound is now almost non-existent in our regular diet.
The benefits of fulvic acid include:
- Lowered free-radical damage with powerful antioxidant properties
- More energy through enhanced mitochondrial function and ATP production
- Strengthened immunity and anti-viral effects
- Sharpened focus and enhanced cognitive function - potential Alzheimer's treatment
- Optimized metabolism and endocrine system
- Better gut health and beneficial bacterial flora
- Enhanced muscle function and endurance
- Increased nutrient absorption and uptake of supplements
- Natural detoxification and heavy metal chelation
- Manages inflammation and pain
- Assists healthy aging
- Repairs and protects skin
So where can you get fulvic acid?
You can grow all your fruits and vegetables organically and fortify your soil with Humic and fulvic acids. These nutrients will not only make your plants healthier and stronger, but will also do the same for you.
An easier way is to supplement your diet with fulvic acid with a natural health product like AEON.
This is a purified version of fulvic acid which is sourced, extracted and manufactured 100% in Canada were the regulatory compliance of health supplements are some of the world's most demanding.
This means the product and it's claims have been verified by Health Canada before they can be entered into the market. This is really important if you are concerned about the quality and claims of health supplements in general.
If you are looking to add a versatile antioxidant into your supplement arsenal, then give a product like AEON a try.
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