How to Help Your Winter Blues - Everyday Health
How to Help Your Winter Blues - Everyday Health

Winter is just around the corner and we all know that feeling. We look out of the window at the grey sky, ice, snow, sunset at 4 pm, and think “how much more of this can I take?” Short of going on a vacation to Maui, there are some ways to make the winter blues a bit easier on you. These tips from Dr. Vann at Everyday Health can make a big impact on your winter.

Get active

Getting your blood pumping has been shown to induce feel-good endorphins. These feel good endorphins can help you beat the low feelings and fatigue associated with the winter blues.

Start an intention

Set intentions for yourself to keep yourself inspired. These can be “I will swim for my strength” or “I will do yoga for my flexibility.” Even things like “I will build a stronger relationship with _____.” These intentions keep you focused on something positive and keep your mind busy instead of focused on the lack of sun and warmth.

Brighten your environment

Using a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) light can help boost your mood. For some, it can be as effective as antidepressants! Get that extra dose of sunshine where you can. Open the blinds when it’s sunny and sit close to windows. Your brain will thank you.

Stick to a sleep schedule

You might be tempted to sleep in on a dark morning, but sticking to a sleep schedule will actually help you mood. A routine when you wake up and before you go to sleep can help you get a quality night of sleep, and make your days easier.

Get laughin’

Watch some of your favourite things that make you laugh out loud. Depressive symptoms can actually be reduced with some good ol’ fashioned laughter. So grab some friends and queue up your Netflix, and have a laugh.

Have a pals night

Have your friends over for some shared fun. Have a potluck, a movie night, games night, whatever you want. As long as you don’t stress about it!

See someone

If the winter blues feel like they’re becoming something unmanageable, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are people out there who can help you beat your blues of any kind.

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