Supercharge Your Coffee With Humic and Fulvic Acid – BULLETPROOF® and beyond [UPDATED Aug. 2022]

Supercharge Your Coffee With Humic and Fulvic Acid – BULLETPROOF® and beyond [UPDATED Aug. 2022]

As we say everything in moderation. Caffeine itself isn't that bad for you and coffee in small amounts is actually good for you. It contains a lot of beneficial plant phytonutrients and antioxidants. BULLETPROOF® coffee s a good example of a latte with a lot health benefits. 

[UPDATED Aug. 2022]

I always appreciate a good cup of coffee. And by the looks of the line ups at every Starbucks, so do a lot of people.  

As we say everything in moderation. Caffeine itself isn't that bad for you and coffee in small amounts is actually good for you. It contains a lot of beneficial plant phytonutrients and antioxidants. BULLETPROOF® coffee s a good example of a latte with a lot health benefits.

Unfortunately overconsumption of coffee and other caffeinated products is easy to do and can quickly become a problem. Having several caffeine products through the day isn't the best thing for sustained energy and overall health. There is a point of diminishing returns and it becomes really counterproductive. You get caffeine dependent and when this happens you become a slave to it!

What ends up happening is systematic adrenal burnout. It becomes a vicious circle of playing catch up and more and more caffeine is needed to get through each day. Prolonged periods of adrenal burnout can lead to your glands malfunctioning and could lead to illnesses. At the very least you can become a caffeine induced zombie. NOT GOOD!

Yes, coffee is delicious and the buzz you get is helpful, but is there a better solution to downing indiscriminate amounts of it? YES!

AEON is comprised of purified humic and fulvic acids which are considered Nature's superfoods. They contain over 80 benefits nutrients but something really interesting is their ability to optimize other molecules such as caffeine.

What this means is when AEON is taken first thing in the morning it allows you to absorb and utilize caffeine more efficiently, essentially supercharging your "cuppa Joe".

AEON has been demonstrated to extend the positive effects of caffeine, smoothing out the energy curve and providing a more sustained level of energy compared to coffee or caffeine alone. 

AEON + COFFEE = Extra Benefits

Mixing a packet of AEON Unique Biome™ with your morning coffee has added benefits over coffee alone. 

Heat Stable Probiotic 

Unique Biome™ contains a heat stable probiotic (Unique IS2 bacillus coagulans) that can be mixed into any hot or cold beverage without any loss in potency. This cannot be said for most laco-based probiotics that you find on the store shelves.  Adding in a probiotic to your morning coffee routine makes it so easy to get your gut tuned up for the day.

Electrolytes and pH Balance

Electrolyte balance with coffee consumption can be a concern. Dehydration, cramping and even headaches are common complaints from regular coffee drinkers. Unique Biome™ contains ionically charge minerals that optimize your pH and electrolyte balance minimizing any potential coffee “side-effects”.

Collagen Absorption

Mixing your morning coffee with a collagen supplement has become all the rage these days. Adding in Unique Biome™ to your recipe allows the collagen to assimilate and absorb much better than without it. Humic and Fulvic acids have the unique ability to assist with nutrient transportation into your cells. This means more bang for your buck with your collagen as you absorb more and its directed to where its needed most – directly into your cells.


Coffee is full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Humic and Fulvic acids interact naturally with these plant based nutrients making them more bioavailable.

Try adding in Unique Biome™ to your morning routine and its as simple a putting a packet of Unique Biome™ in and go.

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