Top 4 KETO supplements  [UPDATED - January 23, 2020] - Fulvic Acid Is One You May Have Missed
Top 4 KETO supplements [UPDATED - January 23, 2020] - Fulvic Acid Is One You May Have Missed

Top 4 Keto supplements for 2020

UPDATED - January 23, 2020

Are you starting a keto diet and looking for ways to help stay focused, energetic and reach your goals sooner?  Have a look at the top 4 keto supplements on the market.

1. MCT oil

MCT oil derived from coconut oil is one of the best ways to achieve deep ketosis. It not only boosts your mental focus, but it also gives your body energy to crush your workouts. Not all MCT oils are the same. Purified caprylic acid (C8) more readily converts into ketones which provides energy and mental clarity you'll feel within minutes. 

Standard MCT oils contain a higher amount of capric acid and lauric acid, which are good for other health benefits but only provide a fraction of the ketones that C8 MCT oil produces. C8 MCT oil is more suited for a ketogenic diet. 

MCT oil: If you’ve never used MCT oil before start with just 1 teaspoon and slowly increase the amount as your body adjusts. Most people are using 2-6 tablespoons/day.

Best form: caprylic acid (C8)

2. Folate

As humans cannot synthesizefolate and it is required from the diet, making it an essential vitamin for optimal health. Folateis needed to make red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, convert carbohydrates into energy, and produce DNA and RNA.

Low folate levels have been associated with poor cognitive dysfunction and fatigue, as well as higher risk of dementia, stroke, and heart disease. Vegetables and some complex starches are the best sources of folate, but on a keto diet it can be difficult to eat enough to get to optimal levels.

Vitamin B6 and folate work together as cofactors. The two deplete each other, so you want to make sure you have a balance of both. Red meats and eggs are high in vitamin B6, so as long as you’re eating these in your keto diet, you likely have adequate B6 in your diet. Methyl folate is the preferred version as opposed to the more common folic acid. Many people have an MTHFR gene mutation and do not process regular folic acid properly. It can build up in your system and cause problems. Stick to the methylated version. 

Folate: 800 mcg/day

Best form: Methyl folate

3. Oxaloacetate

Oxaloacetate is a natural part of your energy metabolism and mimics calorie restriction. This helps to strengthen your mitochondria which are your cells powerhouses.  Optimal mitochondrial function gives you more energy and makes you feel better throughout the day.

Oxaloacetate: 800-1000 mcg/day

Best form: Oxaloacetate from reputable brands such as the BULLETPROOF® version  

4. Humic and fulvic acids 

These two may be the new kids on the block for Keto diets and you may not have heard of them (yet).

Humic and fulvic acids may actually be some of the most important supplements to take when in ketosis because they can prevent serious possible side-effects during ketosis.

Humic substances have actually been used for centuries in natural rejuvenation and health tonics in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Auyruvedic medicine.

When you’re eating significant amounts of carbohydrates your body stores the sugars in the form of glycogen. This glycogen is stored as energy reserves and its not generally utilized until you do something physically strenuous or start fasting. On a keto diet you aren’t consuming carbs or sugar, which depletes your glycogen stores. You start burning body fat when you need energy (instead of carbs) and that's the general concept on how people are losing body fat with this diet.

On a Keto diet you lose a lot of water from your tissues. As you lose water, your kidneys excrete electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and other critical minerals to keep your system in balance. Once you achieve ketosis you continue to excrete these important electrolytes which can lead to deficiencies and side-effects such as muscle cramps, brain fog, lethargy and headaches.

To prevent these keto side effects, make sure you get plenty of electrolytes when you’re in ketosis. Humic and fulvic acids are Nature's most powerful and effective electrolytes. They also possess an ionic charge that attaches to toxins and eliminates them as well as possessing potent antioxidant properties.  

Humic and fulvic acids: 200mg/200mg

Best form: Purified humic and fulvic acids such as AEON

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