What Is Fulvic Acid? Health Benefits and Effectiveness.

What Is Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic acid in simplest terms is a yellow-brown naturally occurring compound found in soil, peat, coal, and bodies of water such as streams or lakes. Fulvic acid is created when plants and animals decompose over millennia.
Fulvic acid, found in smaller amounts along with other minerals is often used in ayurvedic medicine under the name shilajit or in traditional Chinese medicine as wu jing san. Shilajit only contains 15%-20% fulvic acid so is less effective than a 100% pure product for health benefits.
Fulvic acid has gained traction as a common dietary supplement in recent years, typically produced in liquid form with added flavoring for pleasant consumption.
People take fulvic acid for a wide variety of health benefits, including:
- brain disorders
- fatigue
- hypoxia
- respiratory tract infections
Recent research has demonstrated the benefits of fulvic acid on boosting overall immune function.
Fulvic Acid and Your Gut
Fulvic acid can boost digestive health by providing vital nutrients and enzymes important for gut function. Fulvic acid also promotes a microenvironment that is rich in probiotics, or good bacteria, further improving overall gut health. It is also easy for the gut to absorb due to its small molecular weight.
Fulvic acid develops the proper environment for your probiotics to flourish, however, probiotics alone will not fix all your gut issues. By promoting a healthy and balanced microbiome as well as enhancing your stomach's all-natural firewall, fulvic acid (AEON) aids nutrient uptake as well as the removal of toxins which can aid to heal leaky digestive tract and IBS.
Healthy gut function is vital in having a healthy overall immune system as a healthy gut environment and function allows for regular and well-managed immune responses.
Studies on Fulvic Acid Benefits
Research indicates that fulvic acid may bolster your body’s defense against illnesses.
A recent review concluded that these beneficial properties can lead to the prevention of associated conditions, including diabetes. Additionally, fulvic acid has already been used in studies to aid in the treatment of various conditions, including digestive disorders, bronchitis, edema, hemorrhoids, jaundice, and genitourinary disorders.
Plus, it is thought to prevent brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s Disease. A study concluded that fulvic acid is protective of cognitive function and was promising in aiding the prevention of numerous neurodegenerative disorders.
Test-tube and animal studies show that fulvic acid may improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, and enhance antioxidant activity — all of which may bolster immune health.
Fulvic Acid and Skincare
Fulvic acid delivers nutrients to cells and aids in cell regeneration. In terms of skincare, blackheads, pimples, dry skin, and wrinkles all show improvement from fulvic acid.
The antioxidants in fulvic acid benefit the skin by reducing inflammation, firming the skin (wrinkle prevention and reduction), reducing scars and helping with fading, and repairing potentially cancer-causing sun damage.
Fulvic acid protects the collagen and elastin cells in the skin which also prevents wrinkles and keeps a bright, smooth, youthful look. Protecting the collagen and elastin also retains strength in the skin, which will make it harder for wrinkles to form.
This hydration can also help prevent acne. If the skin is dehydrated, sebum secreting cells are called into action, releasing oils onto the skin. The oils can then clog pores which in turn can create acne and blemishes. This hydration in the skin can prevent excess sebum production.
Fulvic Acid and Brain Health
Some research suggests that fulvic acid may promote brain health. Animal studies show that fulvic acid can improve outcomes after traumatic brain injury by reducing swelling and pressure in the brain.
Additionally, test-tube studies show that fulvic acid strongly interferes with the clumping of certain proteins that accelerate brain ailments like Alzheimer’s disease).
What’s more, a preliminary, 24-week study in people with Alzheimer’s determined that supplementing with fulvic acid and B vitamins led to stabilized brain function, compared with a placebo group.
Some animal research also suggests that fulvic acid/shilajit may help enhance memory.